Reviving the lost art of thank you notes

Faber Castell Fountain Pen - Crane & Co. Note Cards

Faber Castell Fountain Pen - Crane & Co. Note Cards

I'm doing my part to bring back the lost art of writing thank you notes in my life.  I'm guilty of having the best intentions of sending off a note vs an email, but then I forget or life gets in the way.  One thing I am working on though, many times when I travel, I tuck thank you notes into my luggage.  I do so just incase I have a need or desire to say thank you, especially if my host or hostess is not available at the time of my departure.  Here, I brought along my Faber Castell fountain pen and Crane & Co. (a New England luxury brand) to the William Haskell house.  Unfortunately I messed up my card and ended up leaving the note on a plain piece of paper, but it's the thought that counts ;-).  

Writing a quick thank you note during my visit to the Viking Hotel in Newport, Rhode Island 2016Photo Emily O'Brien Photography

Writing a quick thank you note during my visit to the Viking Hotel in Newport, Rhode Island 2016

Photo Emily O'Brien Photography


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