NEFL's Home Office

May old in-home office before our move.

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I remember when working from home was not the norm and some felt they would not be taken seriously, as a business owner or employee, if they worked from home (which was often true). Thank goodness times have changed. Not only is it accepted, it's a luxury to work from a home office.

As of this post, my home office is packed away in cardboard boxes and bins while we get ready to move to our new home. And at this time, I don't even know how I will fit everything since we are moving to an antique home that has much smaller rooms and less storage, but it is a challenge I am looking forward to!   


Fresh flowers from my garden or local farm stand were in my home office as much as possible. 

home office design ideas

One of the large farm tables I used in my retail store, that showcased table settings worked out perfectly as an office desk with a large piece of glass. 

home office ideas black shelves black desk




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