Making a leaf garland with real leaves
To know that many kindred spirits have made a version of this leaf garland, after watching my tutorials, it inspired me to create one more for inside of Sugarwood.
A word of caution though (I say that lightly), if you have allergies, allergy meds might be your best friend during this project. Just saying ;-)
This year’s reaf garland was hung inside for us to enjoy throughout the day, plus I heard another hurricane might be hitting New England and I didn’t want to lose this Autumn DIY project to severe wind and rain. That said, my past garlands lasted just fine, but they were under an eave or a porch.
Making a real leaf garland has turned into a tradition of sorts, since I’ve made one for our past three homes. I’ve been making greenery garlands since I was a child, but when it came to using leaves, I was inspired by the removal of a long trumpet vine during a fall garden cleanup project. That silly inner voice said “there is something that can be made with this vine!”, so I of course stopped working on the landscaping and started to collect leaves to attach to said vine.
“Do as I say, not as I do” - The video above shows how I create my garland and wreaths; in hindsight, after doing a few now, especially after realizing these can be saved for a couple to three years, I would like to suggest you use a guide wire or cord to put your leaf bunches on. Me?…. I’m a bit lazy and just group them together and wrap them together. It works, but sometimes the wire with pull off of a stem and you will be left with a small gap (I’ve been known to tuck leaves in when this happens)